Office 365 Questionnaire – What Should Every Office 365 Admin Know?

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Apr 11, 2023 by Kyle Haas

Calling yourself an IT Administrator can mean so many different things. Many people specialize in a specific product or end up taking on responsibilities that are completely outside of the norm. But regardless of how your role plays out, there are some questions every Office 365 admin should be able to answer:

How is MFA implemented?

We highly recommend using Conditional Access-based policies for MFA, and requiring MFA methods which are resistant to attacks! Do you know as a fact that all users are using MFA? Conditional Access is the only way to truly maintain policy-based, granular control.

Who are your current admin role-holders?

Admin roles should only be assigned to dedicated admin accounts, and should never be shared or used as a “daily driver” account. It’s a great idea to have a break-glass admin account, or a delegated partner who can respond in a crisis.

How do you respond to a cyberattack?

When there is an insider threat, one of your users is experiencing phishing attempt, or any suspicious activity is detected – how do you respond? Every Office 365 admin should know where to look to identify and stop an active threat.
Check out more about our Cybersecurity Services here.

Is your data backed up?

It’s a common misconception, especially among those who are making financial decisions, that data in the cloud is “automatically backed up.” This is not true, and a simple administrative mistake—within OR outside of your control—could be costly. If you’re not backing up your cloud data, is everyone aware?

What licenses are you buying? Are you actually using them?

Different tiers of Azure Active Directory have different security features and even different retention periods for logs! There are multiple licenses relating to O365 Defender product, which is not a “set-it-and-forget-it” solution! Make sure you’re making good use of the products you purchase!

When was the last time you audited your organization?

Microsoft provides different tools to help you audit and maintain your environment with security and compliance best practices – but a second set of eyes can prove vital. Office 365 evolves so rapidly that many struggle to keep things under control. Do you know when to ask for help? 

Who do you call when you need help?

Many IT Administrators use the internet as their primary source of troubleshooting and educational materials, but sometimes even Microsoft’s own documentation can be confusing and misleading.

Mirazon provides professional services, consulting, training, and much more for all your Office 365 needs. If you’d like to see more content related to this, check out our blogs here

If you want to learn more about what every Office 365 admin should know or have any additional questions, please contact us and call 502-240-0404 or email us at

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