Cloud Migrations

Effortless | Efficient | Seamless

No matter who you are, we’ve got what you need.

Using the expertise of our engineers and cloud migration services, we support your digital transformation and move to the cloud by providing the proper strategy, vision, and environment collaborations.

We collaborate with you to choose the method that is most effective for your team and business.

Azure Cloud Migrations

AWS Cloud  Migrations

Infrastructure Migrations

Private Cloud

Public Cloud

Hybrid Cloud

Application Migrations

Cost Management &

Disaster Recovery

Advantages & Benefits

With cloud computing, many different business processes become simpler. Deploying software and applications becomes a more organized effort with cloud services, and you’re able to do away with the necessity to set up servers and install the necessary OS.

With today’s specialized cloud services, you can promptly monitor system outages or security risks. This avoids having to check each component or application one at a time, creating a more centralized monitoring process.

The task of guaranteeing security during the cloud experience, such as preventing hackers from accessing your data and apps, is taken on by your Mirazon experts. By implementing automatic security upgrades to protect your data from vulnerabilities, you get advance security.

Working remotely and on the move is easier (and much more secure) with a cloud. Additionally, increased mobility makes transferring your workplace simpler and increases the flexibility of your business.

Cloud service providers offer auto-scaling, which enables users to modify their consumption or demands of the cloud services according to their needs. By doing so, you can reduce your investment costs and distribute expenses according to need. To compare, scaling up business services in traditional IT settings meant you had to buy and install physical servers, software licenses, storage, and network equipment.

Another benefit to cloud migration and computing is it lowers the number of data centers that take up office space and the ongoing maintenance expenditures, such as cooling costs. This allows you to focus on just one information-sensitive data center.

Cloud services simplify network setup and infrastructure configuration. This helps to conserve valuable working hours that can be used to pursue other chances for business expansion.

Customers and employees alike can access services and data in the cloud from any location. This aids in the digital transformation process, enhances the customer experience, and gives staff members access to cutting-edge, adaptable technologies.

Working With Mirazon

Develop | Evaluate | Create | Prepare | Initiate | Secure

Develop Strategy

Based on your workload priorities, business objectives, and migration triggers, we identify and develop your cloud strategy and goals.

Evaluate Existing Infrastructure

We locate your infrastructure, create a thorough inventory of it, and evaluate your on-premises environments.

Create Migration Plan

We develop a comprehensive migration strategy based on workload priorities, deadlines, resources, milestones, and budget.

Prepare Your Organization

We support your IT and application development teams in staying current on cloud technologies, operational procedures, and migration tools.

Initiate Migration

In accordance with the selected migration strategy, our cloud professionals migrate your workloads to the cloud environment in waves.

Secure and Manage

Across all cloud environments, we assist you in managing and securing your workloads.

Ready To Talk?