Secure | Customized | Hands-On | Adaptable

Cybersecurity Awareness Training

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Employee Cybersecurity Training

Technology alone cannot protect your business from everything. Attackers go where security is at its weakest – and that weak link is your employees. It is crucial to educate employees on the existing threats they will be exposed to, how to recognize those threats, what to do if they encounter one, and best practices to mitigate those threats and potential risks.

Mirazon is here to provide the customized, hands-on training your business needs to maintain a high level of security. We will provide the knowledge, resources, and training materials to protect your people, data, company, and reputation against cyber threats. Our security training services teach practical skills through a variety of course topics and security tools that include phishing campaigns, social engineering, emerging threats, and more – all at your own pace.

Yellow screen users symbol in a blue circle.

Low Participation and Interest

Employees who sit through hours of training going through a variety of course topics can find it monotonous. Mirazon makes lessons engaging, hands-on, interactive, and relative to real-life scenarios so your employees can truly be prepared for any cyberthreat.

blue x mark in a yellow circle attached to an orange document file in a blue circle.

Outdated Content

Outdated training material fails to educate employees about present-day security threats. Our security awareness training stays up to date with the latest security threats via its large network of users and experts.

Yellow person pointing at a chalkboard in a blue circle.

Administrator Burden

There is an exponential amount of information that can go into cybersecurity awareness training, and choosing course topics and materials can become overwhelming. Mirazon’s experts do the hard work for you to make sure you and your team have what you need – for now and the future.

The Elements of SAT

What should go into security awareness training? The answer is: a little bit of everything. Our training covers different types of cybersecurity risks, deploys simulated phishing attacks, provides hands-on training, analyzes user behavior, defines best practices, and more.

It’s important that this type of training evolves with emerging cybersecurity threats while, at the same time, continues to recognize “old” and current risks.

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Knowing what is/is not being implemented is critical to creating a customized training program specific to your employees and business model.

blue school building in a grey circle.


Through our engaging content, we will educate your employees using personalized, evolving, interactive modules that can be taken anytime/ anywhere, and can be altered for different departments and the types of threats each could become exposed to.

information circle symbol attached to a blue memo document file in a grey circle.


This includes simulation attacks sent to your employees that attempt to bait them into falling for a fake cybersecurity attack. The content changes and is relevant to what employees may actually be exposed to.

blue person next to growth chart in a grey circle.


We will provide you with an easy-to-view dashboard that contains results showing exactly how each employee interacted with the training assignments, simulations/simulated attacks, and assessments.

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Our targeted training is a continuous cycle that will evolve with your business, employees, and existing threats. This is not a “one-and-done” approach, and we will continue to educate your employees on areas where it’s needed most.

Mirazon’s Layered Security Strategy

Cybersecurity threats are ever-evolving. The only way to combat this is with the mindset of assuming it’s a case of when and not if – how do you limit the scale of an attack?

With Mirazon’s Layered Security Strategy, you will be able to identify, stop, and minimize cyberattacks.

Download our Layered Security Strategy Guide

Lego building blocks for Endpoint protection, next-generation firewall, Email security, MFA, End User training, Assessments and monitoring, DNS filtering

Customizable Cybersecurity Awareness Training

With our customized cybersecurity awareness training approach, we can adequately engage and prepare your end users for the types of phishing and social engineering attacks they’re likely to see.

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Everyone Needs Cybersecurity Awareness Training

If an organization is serious about protecting sensitive data from cybercriminals, then cybersecurity training for all employees, regardless of function, is an absolute necessity.

In addition, your company and its partners may make you subject to industry-specific, federal, or state regulatory requirements that call for yearly cybersecurity awareness training for all staff – including executives, temps, and contractors.

Office Workers Around a Desk Putting a Puzzle Piece Together

What Does Cybersecurity Awareness Training Consist of?

A successful cybersecurity awareness training program should reach individuals with varied degrees of technical aptitude and cybersecurity understanding – as well as workers with different learning styles – and should combine a variety of the following:

  • Formal education, such as established lessons with instructions and/or instructor
  • Informational learning opportunities, such as weekly emails with tips, policy updates, and cybersecurity news announcements
  • Experiential and immersive sessions, including gamification, where employees must work through simulations and scenarios to assess their learning and reinforce their training.
  • Security champions, who are employees that have in-depth understanding of cybersecurity, and are eager to teach and advocate best practices to their coworkers.

Why Is Cybersecurity Awareness Training Important?

Defense. Confidence. Culture.

A cybersecurity breach has serious consequences. One small mistake can do significant harm to both the person making it and the business, who must notify both consumers and regulators of the incident. The cost of a security breach is bigger than it has ever been…and it’s growing.

Employees gain insight about the cybersecurity environment through cybersecurity training by using a variety of teaching techniques to instill a culture of security compliance in your company and enhance public knowledge of cybersecurity concerns.

“Amazing company to work with. When you work with Mirazon, you get a real partner.”

Nick Phillips

Whip Mix

“The Mirazon team is a pure joy to work with and I’m very impressed with their knowledge and professionalism.”

Mick Johnson

Fellowship Bible Church

“I highly recommend Mirazon to anyone interested in getting more than just your average IT experience. Mirazon feels like an extension of your team.”

Todd Taylor

Taylor Advisors

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