Office 365 Usage Reports Can Help You Drive Adoption

an individual holding a magnifying glass to a chart being displayed on an enlarged desktop screen

Jul 16, 2020 by Michael Patrick

Whether you’re new to Office 365 or you’re beginning the adoption of a specific tool like Teams, the Office 365 admin reports can help you identify your users’ behavior when it comes to Office 365.

You must have global administrator privileges to access these reports in the portal.

If you have these privileges, you can access the Admin panel via

On the leftside menu, you will see a range of options. If you go to Reports, you can access a variety of information that can help you identify power users or individuals who may need more encouragement on Office 365 program use.

When you go to Reports, the default report is a graph aggregating the last 30 days’ use of Office 365 applications, like so:

This was taken from a small account of 25 users. In the graph above, you can see that Office 365, Exchange and Teams are the most used applications. You can also opt for a break-out view of each Office 365 product to drill down.

(Above you can see Skype for Business activity still ranks – this would be a telltale sign to us this client needs to work on learning and adopting Teams.)

We drilled into their Teams usage, seeing as how we want to understand how Skype for Business still even factors in and we can get these reports:

Well, looks like they don’t work weekends! Great.

And here we can look at the activity per user. There are a couple on here who don’t have a last activity date or any actions. These may be users that need a little extra encouragement to get on the platform.

The Office 365 adoption report is available from the main Reports page and is also a great way to understand the number of activations and compare desktop to mobile.

Looks like we have 10 users who are straggling behind. We can look into who hasn’t logged in and work with them to get Office 365 going on their computers and smart devices.

You can export these reports as well!

Change management is always a difficult task when it comes to rolling out a new application or service. Office 365 is a changing beast – new products and features come at a faster clip than many can handle. It’s up to us as IT support to get the most out of our Office 365 investment and help our end users learn these tools.

If you have questions about Office 365 adoption/training or how to navigate the admin console, we can help! Send us an email at or call us at 502-240-0404!

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