Meet Our Stellar Team: Driving Innovation, Building Success

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Systems Administrator

Austin Jones

Hello, my name is Austin and I started working at Mirazon in September of 2023.

I’ve always had an interest in IT, but when I took a helpdesk class back in high school for a couple of years, it helped solidify my path into this industry. What I enjoy most about my job is being able to help others with their IT needs, like troubleshooting and problem-solving complex issues.

In my spare time, I like working on my computer and adding new components to it. I’m also an avid video game player and bowler.

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Favorite Food


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Favorite Music

I enjoy many of forms of rock and rap. Some of my favorite bands are Eminem and Linkin Park.

Blue Airplane Icon

Dream Vacation

Somewhere not too hot and I can enjoy nature.

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Favorite Book

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

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