Meet Our Stellar Team: Driving Innovation, Building Success

Discover the stories and expertise of the people who define excellence at Mirazon

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Partner and Co-Founder

Karen Albers

I’m one of the four partners at Mirazon. I perform a variety of duties, including: technical staff coordinator, office mom, referee, playground officiant, professional Nerf gun trainer, design guru and, very rarely, technical duties.

I’m particularly fond of sales. What other job can I get paid to talk to people? And everyone knows I love to talk (especially with great volume!). I’ve really enjoyed starting the company from the ground up. And the people I work with are just the greatest.

My vision for Mirazon is one of excellence in customer service. I believe we have the best of the best in technical expertise. I believe our technical skills are second to none in this area and we’re the coolest geeks around.

Our skill allows us to perform the tasks quicker than most. What really sets us apart, though, is our total company’s commitment to making every customer happy. Many sales people can promise technical networking services, but the delivery on that promise every time to be on time and on budget is what sets our company apart from others.

I like to have a good time at work. The office atmosphere is very relaxed. I spend the majority of my waking moments at work so I want to enjoy it. I like to keep stress ball(s) on my desk and they  have been known to fly across the room on occasions… especially after a stressful day. Flying monkeys, Nerf guns, and a sofa are important parts of our culture.

Even though I have fun, I also take my work very seriously. I want my customers, employees and partners to all feel that I’m accessible to them when they need me. My door is always open, my e-mail and cell phone are always on. Feel free to contact me at any time!

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Favorite Food

Diet Coke. Yes, it counts.

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Favorite Music

The siren on the big red truck (fire truck, that is)

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Favorite Book

IT for Dummies

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