Persistent Binding Order Commands in Windows 10

a blue arrow going over a maze

Aug 23, 2016 by Kevin Oppihle

binding order commands in windows 10If you are using wireless or a physical connection on your Windows 10 system and you want to use one or the other as the default for gateway/WAN traffic routes, you can set it up by running binding order commands in Windows 10 in PowerShell.

For example …

I am plugged in at a site’s physical connection working on the local network which goes through strict external routing/content rules. Those rules block me from using my remote access programs like Skype for Business or Pandora, etc.

I enable my wireless and use my iPhone hotspot (but you can use another MiFi device if you want). However, even though it connects, traffic by default is still bound/routed to the physical connection.

To get around this, I:

Open PowerShell as administrator and run the following commands to locate your Wi-Fi and Ethernet “ifIndex” (interfaceindex) …


Review the results listed and revise the one I want to be the default gateway/WAN traffic routes “InterfaceMetric” to be the lowest number as shown below for the “Wifi” interface 7.

The command in the example below is:

set-netipinterface -interfaceindex “7” -InterfaceMetric “3”

binding order commands in windows 10

Alternatively, you can revise the other to a higher number to change the order as well.

To confirm your setting saved, simply run the “get-netipinterface” again.

Note: Remember this change is persistent, meaning it will stay this way untill you change it. Your “ifindex” number may change, but the interface metric should stay.

CAUTION: Make sure using a Mi-Fi or other wireless device is not a violation of your company’s compliance, security practices, and/or other policies.

For further reference:

If you have any questions about how to do this or about network routing in general, you can email us or give us a call at 502-240-0404!

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