WEBINAR – UPS & Backup Power

A lightbulb with head screws and bolts as arms and legs leaning on a 220 volt battery.

May 23, 2023 by Taylor Krieg

When it comes to backup power, we tend to think about it when it’s too late. Thankfully, our very own Dustin Lamkin led a GREAT webinar over UPSes and backup power – covering a range of topics from the risks and consequences to UPS types, connectivity, best practices, and more.

What We Cover

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In all honesty, you don’t have to live in the Midwest during storm season for these issues to affect your business – and if you’re not prepared it can have devastating impacts on your IT environment. Things often overlooked include construction, trees, motor vehicle impacts, and more. Dustin answers questions such as:

  • How long can your systems run without utility power?
  • What systems are affected by a power loss?
  • What happens if your backup power systems cannot maintain the load?

We start at the basics – understanding the terminology of this topic: Voltage, Amperage, Volt-Amp (VA), and Wattage (W). We then talk about connectivity and the types of plugs that we often deal with, as well as governance and naming conventions such as NEMA , IEC, and UL.

Following this, we discuss PDUs – both horizontal and vertical – and the costs/benefits of each. And of course, we cover the different UPS types, their strengths and weaknesses, and other specs. The different types we cover include the standby style, line-interactive, and on-line. Next, we cover the UPS energy storage types, such as lead acid, nickel-cadmium, lithium, and other lesser-known types.

And as always, we have to consider the factors external to the UPS – such as generators (check out our blog to learn about other external factors to consider). We’ll cover the purposes and functions, as well as the response time and power quality for both UPSes and generators – and how to know which one you need.

Best practices follow, talking about which systems need protection by alternative power, how long UPSes last and how often you should test them, the maintenance that comes along with generators, and automatic shutdowns. We’ll talk about the other factors you should consider, like business sizing, technical sizing, and other maintenance.

Lastly – and arguably one of the most important things – we cover testing; why you should do it, how often to do it, and the benefits of doing it. Don’t miss it – access the webinar by filling out the form above!

You can find more information about this topic in a recent blog series here.

Thanks to APC by Schneider Electric for hopping in on the webinar to provide more insightful information!

If you’d like to learn more about the UPS & Backup Power please contact us and call 502-240-0404 or email us at info@mirazon.com.

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