The Top 5 Biggest IT Concerns

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Oct 19, 2022 by Taylor Krieg

The IT industry is accustomed to last-minute, hasty changes. New technologies are released, old ones evolve, company requirements are constantly changing, and employees come and go. All that put together pales in comparison to the type of turbulence the IT industry is currently experiencing. On top of the regular, everyday challenges, IT workers now must deal with ongoing pandemic-related outages, evolving cybersecurity threats, increasing demands for change, and more.

These new circumstances are driving many IT directors and workers to rethink their list of top priorities as they modify their agendas for 2023. In light of this, let’s take a look at what IT leaders are now paying the most attention to.

So, what factors are drawing the most attention, and what concerns should be taken into consideration?

Increasing Demands For Change

Sure, you may have undergone a digital transformation effort in the past for HR or sales, but we are all witnessing end-to-end digital transformations, and they are accelerating and advancing right now.

The increase in demand is a direct result of extensive digitalization efforts that businesses have made over the previous two years – mostly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. That effort provided the groundwork for more sophisticated transformations while also creating fresh opportunities, which businesses are now under pressure to take advantage of.

Above all of that, we are discovering that everything is connected – recognizing that a digital transformation project in one area, like sales, must be supported by transformation in adjacent areas like supply chain. All of these things must be able to cohesively work together towards the company goals in order to be successful.

Cybersecurity Threats & Data Protection

Cybersecurity has become exponentially important in recent years for a variety of reasons. Data has grown to be the most important resource for many firms, and malicious behavior – such as malware, ransomware, BEC, etc. – is on the rise. The frequency of data breaches and attacks is growing as cybercriminals are always looking for weak spots. To secure business continuity and the security of their supply chains, IT businesses are stepping up their cybersecurity initiatives.

Cybersecurity, however, is not only a commercial issue. More frequently governments are becoming the target of attacks. In an effort to undermine governmental objectives and sovereignty, dissenters are utilizing false information. Nation states will undoubtedly need to consider the fact that thorough security protocols are put into place.

The number of cybersecurity threats continues to grow, and the types of attacks continue to evolve – creating a battlefield in IT environments. Consumer trust is a prized asset when it is earned – but is tough to come by. Gaining the trust of customers, then maintaining that trust, requires the implementation of data protection and information security policies – this guarantees that client data remains private. Data protection is becoming ever more vital as we emerge from the pandemic and get used to our new normal.

Enhanced Flexibility In IT Environments

Businesses now face a competitive landscape due to the expansion of SaaS platforms, multi-cloud infrastructures, and enterprise systems. It’s crucial for IT executives to make informed technology decisions, but how can you be sure that your IT systems and services are interacting well with one another?

Businesses must plan for the future in 2023 and make choices based on their IT strategies. While it’s difficult to foresee where technology will end up, organizations should prioritize developing an adaptable infrastructure.

Supporting Infrastructure And Remote Work

Numerous firms are seeing the advantages of remote working and are making it a part of the company culture. Many businesses were able to survive the pandemic thanks to their capacity to shift to a remote-working environment, and costs were greatly reduced to those who were able to adapt to this cultural shift.

Global Workplace Analytics estimates that employers can save $11,000 annually for each person who works remotely for half the year by cutting costs related to overhead. Meanwhile employees can save between $2,500 and $4,000 annually by avoiding expenditures related to commute, food, and dry cleaning.

Intense Competition For Talent

For years, CIOs and managers have struggled to find and keep tech talent, simply because there are more open roles than qualified candidates. The extremely low unemployment rate in the IT industry is 1.3% – demonstrating this fact. Additionally, the recent shift to remote work has intensified the competition.

Companies are now in competition with employers everywhere, and compared to before the pandemic, the hiring process has become incredibly lengthy. Many companies ultimately hire remote workers after expanding their search beyond their local market. It merely illustrates how tough and competitive it is to locate talent – particularly in IT.

If finding the right candidates and hiring talented employees is becoming a challenge, consider using consultants – especially if you don’t have enough people. Build a trusted relationship with Mirazon, where we can fill in the gaps for you by providing a helping hand to your business and IT environment. Mirazon will be an extension of your team for however long you need.

If you want help planning ahead for cloud adoption, cybersecurity initiatives, or a stronger remote work infrastructure, please call 502-240-0404 or send us an email at

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