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Searching for: "Disaster Recovery"

How to Back Up an Azure Server for Local Restore

There are a lot of backup and DR tools out there, Veeam being one of our favorites. However, if you just need a simple way to back up your single …

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What’s New in Windows Server 2016: Failover Clustering

We’re up to the fourth technical preview of Windows Server 2016 and my coworkers and I have been digging into it to see what’s coming. Last week I covered the …

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3-2-1: The Golden Rule for Backups

Planning for a disaster can be a difficult task. Of course nobody wants to think about all the terrible things that could happen and on top of that, it’s near …

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Yet Another Reason for a Solid Backup Solution: Cryptolocker Ransomware

Cryptolocker ransomware is making its rounds. This virus basically infects your computer or network, encrypts all of the data, and holds it hostage until someone pays a ransom. If a …

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What’s the Best Way for Me to Buy Microsoft Licensing? Part 2: Open Business Program

In a previous post, we explored the ups and downs of purchasing Microsoft licensing from hardware manufacturers (OEM licenses) and from retail outlets (FPP licenses). In the end, I did …

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Windows Server 2012 R2: Price Increase for Datacenter and Other Upcoming Changes

Sometime in the next few months, Microsoft will release the R2 version of Windows Server 2012.  Here is what you need to know: Customers with SA Will Receive New Keys …

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Strengthening Outbound Security with Comprehensive Assessments

An organization’s data is a critical asset and safeguarding it from cyberattacks is vital to ensuring business continuity. In the case of a hardware failure, natural disaster, cyberattack, or even …

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A Case for Using Group Policy to Prevent Ransomware from Running

You should set up a Group Policy to prevent ransomware from running in your environment. Here’s why… Stopping malicious software from penetrating your network is a constant battle that requires …

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